Friday, February 8, 2013

Missions Video Published to Youtube!

To be honest, I really don’t have much talent in the way of creating videos, but then again I’m a missionary not a computer expert. In fact, I really wish that someone else would catch the vision and put them together for me. Microsoft’s Movie Maker isn’t the best program, but that’s what I have. And even though it took hours for me to make this four minute missions video, I really feel like it could be improved. Please watch it and feel free to suggest improvements or maybe make recommendations as to who might be willing to do a better job. The cause is that important. Enjoy.

Gospel Lilypad Video:

Click here for our GLP Youtube video! 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


While driving from Arizona to Pennsylvania, I had some time to ponder how we view missions across the pond. Keep in mind, this outline isn't perfect but should provide some insight into what the first Lilypad concept is about.

Here are the Steps of Revolution:

1. Realize the current failure
A. 67% of missionaries reach the field.
B. 75% of missionaries that reach the field never complete even their first term of four years

2. Calculate the money lost through failure.
A. The estimated $300k - $600k and upwards that is spent to travel on deputation
B. Only 16.5% of all money spent by missionaries actually goes to further missions (67% make it, 25% stay longer than 4 years)

3. Not Biblical vs. unBiblical
A. No Biblical bases either way
B. Just the methodology of the 1950s

4. Need to evolve to something that will work
A . Failure to change will not change the failure.
B. Time and resources are decreasing
C. Defeat breeds defeat
D. Technology, political and cultural atmospheres have changed

5. Expansionist thinking must be used
A. Using the resources of freely giving people cannot but be an asset
B. Being good stewards of what God has offered in the way of resources, talents, and technologies will be rewarded with trust, credibility, and success
C. Prayer, ingenuity, and work will be required to make necessary changes

6. Churches must be taught to operate locally but think globally
A. Prepare for the future by budgeting money away for investment into and preparation of church members
B. If you have ten 5-year olds, you have 12-13 years to save money for Bible college scholarships for as many as will surrender to go. (Families more likely to stay)
C. When young men and women see that their church is behind them, they will be more likely to step out.
D. Following current examples of the local church plan makes the whole process less foreign and more likely to be chosen
E. Bible institutes are first choice and Bible colleges second
F. All graduates would be required to complete a successful internship (bringing 5-10 families, discipling them, taking part in ministry, determining their spiritual gifts and specific place of calling)
G. The pastor would choose a veteran missionary for the intern to work under until language and culture are acquired
H. After one term, the new missionary would start a new work in the language and culture that they have already learned and adapted to.